Saturday, 29 June 2013

It's the Blitz!

So we, and when I say we I mean Kevin, decided to have an internal blitz competition.

Shall we just say that blitz isn't my forte. I did however manage to get a non-consensual draw which is an achievement in itself in a 5 minute game.

The format was a Swiss tournament, This generally works best when you have a whole load of people in an event. This didn't however phase Kevin in the slightest and he proceeded to arrange the draws for each round. It got a little messy in later rounds but eventually it was worked out. Especially once the draw was wrangled so that Steve wasn't playing three games simultaneously.

After some truly awful playing by all involved, (hint: when you fork the king and the queen, take the king) Pete managed to win on the evening. I think it's fair to include Pete when I say that this surprised everyone.

Although possibly not the bar staff.

Or the ladies darts team.

Well we have a few rounds left of our summer tournament before the proper league season starts so maybe I shall post some more. Or maybe I will wait til 2017....
